Saturday, September 30, 2006

First trial of Pentax DA 21/3.2

The form factor of this lens is great for snap. Finally, the great old feeling of snaping with my Contax G2 with Biogon 28/2.8 is back. The size and weight of my istD+DA21 combo is a bit bigger and heavier than old day G2, but it's small enough for me.

The focus speed of the lens is great, and I can actually use AF when snap around. I know about zone-focusing, but that's only approximation. If AF works, I'd rather use AF.

The image quality of the lens is very good. I don't have time to really test it yet, but judge from my quick snaps in jpeg, the image quality of this little baby can stand shouder to shouder with any other good Pentax prime.

Yes, DA21/3.2 is expensive. But I don't mind it and sure it will be my most used prime lens.


Anonymous said...

I got one too...


Toby Chiu said...

Hi Ken,
Are you the Ken I know?