Wednesday, February 11, 2009

IR photos on Pentax istD

Learnt that the CCD in the istDs lets more IR light to lass through it's IR-filter, I took our my old istD, charge the battery and do a few test shot just outside my bedroom window.

As expected, the istD has the same exposure compensation factor - in my case of 850nm filter, it needs 13-stops. Although it sounds not a big difference to the 16-stops required by my K20D, it's a big difference in actual operation. At ISO-1600, a 13-stops compensation under the winter sunlight means a ISO1600, f/8, 2s; but with 16-stops compensation means ISO1600, f/8, 16s - a quite noticeable operation difference.

On the other hand, I can't find any bandings in these istD test photos. Sounds good, but it's not conclusive yet and more test will be needed.

1 comment:

Francis said...
