Thursday, September 15, 2011

Untitled snap with Pentax DA21 / 3.2 AL

A street snap with my beloved DA21, my "standard" lens for street snap. I love it's small size, but the slow focusing speed of the Pentax system is a bit annoying when doing street snap - it's just not fast enough in some situation.

Sometimes I have to rely on the decade old zone focusing technique, not ideal for digital images because you can easily notice the out-focus with these old-day technique when blow-up on your screen.


Yang said...

I think K5 and K7 did a really great job with fast focusing.

Toby Chiu said...

Yang, thanks for your comment. I don't have a chance to try out the new K5 or K7 yet. Hope they are really better cause Pentax has great lens, but poor body.