Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Birds in park - by Tokina ATX 80-200/2.8

Photos with Tokina ATX 80-200/2.8 lens.

The lens is an old design, and the focusing clutch system is quite stupid - you are supposed to be able to switch AF/MF with a simple push-and-pull of the focus ring (just like the focusing clutch you find on FA*24 and FA*85), but you need to turn to the right position when you push from MF to AF position.... and the position depends on where you focus last time. Such a headache.

The AF of this lens doesn't work very good with my old istD, when the focus sometimes locked at obviously mis-focused. However, with my new K20D, I find the focus is quite good and FAST! The fast focus is mainly due to the internal-focus design of this lens.

Color-wise, the lens is quite of Tokina taste, which means low in color saturation. This is simply a matter of taste, not necessary a bad thing and this can be easily corrected in the digital world. Attached photos are un-altered in the color saturation, so judge yourself.

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