Thursday, December 07, 2006

Carl Zeiss Jana 80/1.8 vs Russian Jupitar 85/2

Both lens are quite famous M42 lens made in the communist countries. A neck-to-neck comparision done a long time ago.

Both lens set at approx. f/8, camera on tripod, RAW, with istD.

Carl Zeiss Jana 80/1.8:

Jupitar 85/2:

It may appear that the color of the CZJ is more saturated, but the real fact is that the photo from Jupitar-9 is slightly brighter than the CZJ:

On a 100% blow-up on screen, I can't find any signaficant difference between the 2 lens:

My conclusion: the 2 lens are very similar at the apeature I tested, and the sharpness cannot compare to that of modern primes.

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